Beauty, Talent & Love

Beauty, Talent & Love

How is a girl expected to cram 50 years of influence and relationship into merely a few paragraphs?  With a lot of prayer and painful editing.

 I’ve narrowed it down to three character traits of our mom that seem to bubble up as a recurring theme in the notes from her beloved friends and relatives who have reached out to us since her passing. 

Beauty, Talent and Love.

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The View From the Porch

The View From the Porch

“Come on.  We have nothing else to do today.”  My husband begged to take the kids to look at the Horses for Sale.  He had spotted the posted sign while we were on a Memorial Day getaway.  

An hour later, the owner met us at his field where we talked horses while the kids pushed tall grasses through the fence.  They’d squeal with delight at the thrill of having the massive animal’s agile, soft lips pull the shoots from their little hands.

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Ministering for Millennials . . . and for the Rest of Us Too

Ministering for Millennials . . . and for the Rest of Us Too

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been participating in a newly released New Testament Bible study program called “Come Follow Me.” 

To be honest, though I have loved Bible stories since childhood, as an adult I have skipped around in the Bible, (with a lot more skipping in the Old Testament if you must know) and have never made a serious effort to study its messages. 

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