Bangs and Prom: How to Connect With Your Daughter

Bangs and Prom:  How to Connect With Your Daughter

“Mom?  Do you think I should cut bangs into my hair?”

“Yes, honey.  I think they’d look cute.”

“But do you think I’ll regret it?”

“For sure. But it will be fun for a little while and then you can rue the day that you did for the next five years.”

“I’m going to ask Dad.”

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Windows Into Their Worlds

Windows Into Their Worlds

Last July I casually began a little accountability group of women to help us begin or finish the books we wanted to write.   

The casual experience rapidly grew into something much more motivating and powerful than any of us had imagined.  It spawned a group name, websites, speaking events, workshops, a new book written collectively, and finally a small publishing company.  That was in a matter of six months.

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Grit vs. Grace

Grit vs. Grace

Living in the Mountain West, we happily host nearly 25 million visitors per year from around the world.  Tourists use their vacations to come admire the beauty of our landscapes and wildernesses.  Boasting 5 national parks and 14 ski areas, along with scenic byways, Utah’s monumental cliffs, red rocks, canyons and mountains are some of the most unique and stunning views you’ll ever see.


But you know how it is.  If it’s in your own back yard, you are often guilty of not exploring it.  Like the man I met at church in Kauai, Hawaii who admitted to me that he hadn’t even been down to the beach in over 5 years!

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We Can Borrow More Than Clothes From Our Sisters

We Can Borrow More Than Clothes From Our Sisters

God granted me one little sister.  We started out best friends.  Then I grew up and she became an annoyance.  Then I grew some more and we became best friends again.

In high school I remember being jealous of how smart she was.  She was invited to be in the gifted program, and I wasn’t even sure where the gifted kids met!

She had a sense of style and an eye for beauty.  I’d turn up my nose at some outfit she had purchased, then would sheepishly end up borrowing it every chance I got because it just had that cool factor.

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